
Looking after nanna

Managing hydration in the elderly with nursing services

Dehydration is a serious issue for elderly people, especially in the hot Australian summer. If not adequately assessed and rectified it can lead to serious issues including confusion, constipation, and even death. Here are some of the reasons that elderly people are particularly vulnerable to dehydration.  Embarrassment As people get older they often suffer from incontinence. As a result, they can often put off drinking enough fluid, especially if they are due to go out in public, to avoid needing to urinate. Read More 

About Me

Looking after nanna

When nanna started getting forgetful we all thought it was cute. But when she started leaving pots to boil dry on the stove and losing the car in the carpark when she went shopping it wasn't cute anymore. Sometimes loving someone means looking after them and we started looking for a facility that could really look after her. We found an awesome facility where the people really care for nanna. These days we know she is safe, and she seems a lot more comfortable and relaxed. Now when we see her we have a great time chatting and sharing memories.

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